2025 WPDGA Spring Show
ADGA Sanctioned
Ring 1: Elizabeth Henning
Ring 2: Paula Reisdorff DVM
May 31 and June 1, 2024
Friday- Youth & Adult Showmanship & 2 Rings Buck
Saturday- 2 Rings Sr doe & 2 Rings Jr doe
Venango County Fairgrounds- 867 Mercer Road, Franklin, PA 16323
Please send in entries early to cut down on at show paperwork. Pay at the show!
WPDGA Youth Program
​The Western Pennsylvania Dairy Goat Association is proud to promote our youth program designed to get youth excited and involved in showing Dairy Goats and the dairy goat industry.
The Western Pennsylvania Dairy Goat Association Youth Ambassadors will be the face of the organization throughout the year and will have the opportunity to plan and organize activities for fellow youth in the industry, bring awareness and education to all youth, enhance individual leadership, communication and teamwork skills and engage in educational opportunities to further their experience in the industry.
Monthly Meetings
Our Monthly meetings are held via Zoom. One Sunday every Month, starting at 8 pm. Usually running an hour long.
New members welcome!!